Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jobs Where You Can Take Your Dog to Work

The dogs-at-work movement began in earnest with the first Take Your Dog to Work Day in 1999 and has gained considerable momentum with companies steadily jumping on the bandwagon. Studies have played a helpful role in this transition by showing how workplace canines give a positive boost to morale, teamwork and productivity.

How It All Began
Pet Sitters International, the largest association for in-home pet care providers, started the ball rolling by designating one day a year as workplace dog-friendly to spotlight the homeless pet population and encourage more adoptions. Three hundred businesses participated in that 1999 event, serving as a springboard for thousands more to follow suit, many even to the point of implementing policy that makes everyday dog friendly.

High-Profile Companies
Such corporate giants as Google, Amazon, Ben & Jerry's and Clif Bar actually encourage employees to bring their canine kids into the office; they even tout their dog-friendly policies as perks for attracting new talent. Not only do these employers recognize staff performance benefits of having dogs in the workplace, but workers also get more exercise by having to take their canine companions on potty breaks.

Assistance Dogs
Service dogs -- who are the eyes, ears and mobility of people with special needs -- are permitted in the workplace under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) even when the company doesn't have a dog-friendly policy. The single most determining factor is whether the canine's presence constitutes a reasonable accommodation for the employee, such as a blind worker who needs her guide dog to maneuver in and around the workplace.

Bring Your Boss Onboard
Large or small, your workplace can be an inviting, dog-friendly environment as long as everyone follows a few ground rules. While many people are enthusiastic dog lovers, others may not share that affinity and instead consider their presence an annoyance or even be fearful of them; a staff survey will find out who's allergic or afraid. All dogs should be well-behaved and friendly when in the company of others, both human and canine; baby gates are great for keeping them contained yet still allowing them to interact with passers-by.

Originally written for and published by Demand Media
Photo credit: Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

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