Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just Cause for Turning Down a Job Interview While on Unemployment

Obtaining unemployment benefits may be a standard next step to bridging the financial gap when you're jobless through no fault of your own, but those subsidized paychecks are not automatically tendered without some serious effort on your part. Unemployment compensation is granted to those job seekers who, once deemed "able and available" for suitable work, do not turn down an interview for any job without "good cause."

Proving "Able and Available"
Being able and available means you possess marketable skills. While it's not your responsibility to identify available jobs, you do have to demonstrate there is a market for your specific experience. For example, creating matchstick animals may be an entertaining talent, but there is no demand for it within the labor sector. Able and available also speaks to your physical capacity to actually carry out the work, as well as having a dependable means of transportation to get to and from the job.

Imposing Job Restrictions
Job seekers are allowed to establish certain boundaries when it comes to the type of jobs they'll accept and still be considered able and available. Health issues, for instance, can dictate whether a position is suitable where there is heavy lifting or unhealthful environmental factors, such as allergens. You may also cite lack of transportation as the reason for only seeking jobs within walking distance, but the onus is on you to demonstrate reasonable attempts to rectify the situation prior to requesting a restriction.

Suitable Work
Suitable work is determined by courts and unemployment compensation referees after considering various factors of your specific situation. These can include work experience and training; proximity of home to job; why and how long job seeker is out of work; plausibility of securing a job close to home in skilled profession; previous wages; job market climate; normal occupational pay rate; and residence permanency.

With and Without "Good Cause"
Refusing a job for "good cause" may include a mismatch of skills to position; physical inability to complete required tasks of that particular job; conflict between religious beliefs and job requirements; lack of transportation; and inability to secure quality childcare during work hours. You must make reasonable effort to rectify the latter two before refusing a job. Suitable jobs refused without good cause can cost job seekers their unemployment compensation when, for example, full-time employment is offered yet only part-time is wanted or vice versa, and refusing to accept a lower pay rate than previously earned.

Photo Credit: Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images
Originally written for and published by Demand Media

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